Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Prensky's Ideas

Todays Learners  

There is no doubt that the average 21st century learner prefers to use a tablet or a computer within the classroom. However the basic fine motor skills are still necessary. It is still a necessity to be able to read and write even in such a digital world. Learners are harder to engage in learning, as they can be easily dstracted if the activity does not interest them. That is why it is very important to get to know your learner. Understand what their interests are, what sort of learner they are and their dynamics within the classroom. It is also important for myself as a lifelong learner to embrace each individual and their prior knowledge, beliefs and attitudes and perceptions in order for myself as a Learning manager to grow and achieve the very best learing outcomes from my students.

It is important to include engaging activities within the classroom to cater for the diverse learners.  It is understandable that not all activities will be able to be hands on and exciting. But to be able to present a lesson using an unfamiliar approach may be enough to capture the learners attention. It has also been evident throughout my pracs that the inclusion of children in activities is a huge advantage. Allowing the students to participate and give them the responsibility of a particular role encourages them to engage in the learning process as their contribution is valued.

The nature of today's learners have become more digital driven. Students are no longer happy with a traditional worksheet. Instead interactive games on the computer, building a design or a simple science experiment are all activities which seem to be preferred within the classroom. This is not a bad thing, teachers need to be aware of the needs and wants of their students in order to achieve the best results. No longer should the teacher be the sole instructor of the classroom, instead it is more efficient for the student to have their say in classroom activities to promote engagement.

Engage or Enrage

Prensky raises some valid points within this article. The notion that we are teaching 'Yesterday's education for today's kids' is completely true in my opinion. In the 21st century, a time where children are more outspoken and switched on then ever. The curriculum takes a step backwards instead of forwards. The new Australian Curriculum places  so much pressure on teachers to achieve good results that the content of the required knowledge goes missing. At a time where such a structured curriculum has been introduced, less creativity and experimenting within the classroom is evident. In a growing age where diversity within the classroom is such an important part of any classroom, teachers need to take this into account when preparing activities. Even allowing students the opportunity to choose the way in which they conduct an acivity is perfectly suitable as long as the intended outcome has been reached. Giving students the resonsibility and creativity to develop their own work ties neatly in with authentic learning, which has also become the preferred means of learning.
However I do not agree that the future of schooling should be completely computer based. I think no matter what it will be an essential part of life to always be able to read and write. The constant use of computers to complete work will diminish the ability to practice reading and writing. Although there are more ways to go about teaching these core skills. Whether it be drawing with chalk or stencils or anything which the child would not usually use within the classroom. The use of ICT's within the classroom is a huge advantage if used correctly.

Prensky raises a good point that when learning 'old stuff' if students are challenged, are able to make decisions and given goals that they want to reach, engagement would be a lot more recognisable. As Prensky also states that it is not relevance that is lacking within the classroom, but in fact, engagement. This article has a very strong point of view which encourages the engagement of students within the classroom in a fun yet educational way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elli
    I am a visual learner so the colour in your background immediately got my attention. When discussing engagement of students what can you do with the blog that appeals to your learners?
    The use of hyper-linking,static photos,video clips or sound bites may not be enough.
    Can you suggest other ways of building engagement?
    Great work as I like your writing style. It seems a little less formal and more relaxed which appeals to my thoughts on learning manger reflection.
    Have you commented on other postings?
