Monday, 6 August 2012

Resizing and Uploading Images

Resizing images is very new to me. Although I actively participate in social networking sites such as facebook and instagram that requires me to upload photos to the internet. I have not had any experience in resizing the images. Above is an image from my recent visit to a temple in Cambodia which I have resized in order for it to be uploaded to my blog. Now that I am familiar with the program Mobaphoto and realised how simple it is to use, it will become a useful resource in my teaching career. The program was fast and effective and could be used within the classroom.

It is evident the 21st century is a fast paced, digital age where perfection in a photo is achieveable in seconds.Mobaphoto allows the learner to upload a photo, resize it and retouch the photo. The advantage of MobaPhoto in a Primary School classroom is that it does not require a teachers assistance once the students are familiar with the program. It does not allow the students to be in dark rooms playing with dangerous chemicals in order for them to develop there photos. Instead the perfect photo is a click away. Minimal teacher direction is required in order to operate this program.

This program is brilliant for the classroom. Students would be able to use this in simple inclass tasks such as science experiments or projects which requires them to upload pictures to a blog or wiki. A great way to develop this skill would be to create a class wiki for students to upload photos of a particular subject they are learning about or wish to share. As digital images often add more excitment to a oage full of words.

Creating a Voki

Below is the link to a Voki which I have created. I believe that Voki's are a very productive and effective way to gage the students attention.

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